Monday, March 31, 2008

Feeling Accomplished

Turns out I am jumping on the "Let's Go Back To School" bandwagon. I have been feeling slightly less than happy with my English degree. So, I am applying to get a second bachelor's degree in computer science. After which I plan to get a master's degree in either information systems or software engineering. This should take me approximately 3-4 years. Thanks to my being over 24 these days I get a ton of financial aid. The program I plan to attend is online so as not to interfere with my work schedule. More info later....................

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mid Twenties Crisis

I wonder if everyone has memory loss the way I do. My mind is selective in a very emotional way. The memories that I keep are vivid and strange. They are attached to the important ones, but the past that I want is left hanging on to these mundane glimpses, like skeletons wearing plastic grandma beads instead of precious jewels. My thoughts are archived with little tags, date, time, place, length, of relationship. The older they are the further they drift down a hallway. I squint at my sand pies I made at age seven wishing they were just a few inches closer. Where does this tunnel lead? The light at the end of the tunnel may be death creeping up on me as my back is turned. At age 60 it will tap me on one shoulder while hiding behind the other to get a good chuckle. Only I don't find it funny in the least. Or maybe it is an accumulation of my mistakes waiting to smack me in the back of the head. Though the last one is doubtful, because it would have hit me by now. If only my memories would upload on utube, like everything else in existence. Listening to Built to Spill lyrics has given no result.  Deep meditation has opened no trap door. I am left staring into a mental archive filled with photographs of  my life. Waiving my hand frantically hoping there is such a thing as a self Jedi mind trick. In reality, I am only a girl sitting on her office floor grappling for holds in a her past to avoid a future adult status with so many questionable ends.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Agenda Part 2

  • Start actually using my gym membership.
  • Organize the downstairs.
  • Find some form of income beyond my library job.
  • Keep my mind focused on the future.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Agenda Part 1

  • Forgive Atlanta for not letting me get to work today.
  • Stop being bummed out about the cancelled St Patricks Day parade.
  • Be thankful I was not lifted and carried away by the tornado that caused the above problems.
  • Make serious attempts at getting my W2's from employers in Florida.
  • Read atleast one of my bookclub books.
  • Continue earing project, so as not to waste that gorgeous mustard colored vinyl.
  • Schedule a trip to the Decatur Market and Craft Store with Lori (Pleasantly Plump Vegan).
  • Go to Teahouse 11:11 for the knitting club this week.
  • Talk Lori into the event listed above :)